
Joseph R. Boyle received his PhD from the University of Kansas in special education. His current research is focused on examining the effectiveness of teaching techniques and interventions for students with high-incidence disabilities in general education, inclusive and special education classrooms. Dr. Boyle currently serves as the Project Director of Project ASPIRE: Advancing Specialized Professionals Who Integrate Research Evidence. Project ASPIRE prepares new PhD scholars in evidence-based knowledge and skills in special education. He also currently serves as the co-editor of the Journal of Special Education Technology. Dr. Boyle was also selected as a Fulbright Scholar in 2022, and spent the fall semester participating in research at the University of Poitiers, France.

Dr. Boyle has authored over 50 publications including books, chapters, research articles and research-to-practice articles. His early experience as a special education teacher helped shape his early research career, and later, as a researcher and faculty member, led him to co-author the textbook: Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities: A Case-Based Approach (2E). Dr. Boyle has developed several classroom interventions for students with high-incidence disabilities in the areas of reading, writing, note-taking and technology. His research on note-taking was funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. His current research examines how students with disabilities use smart pens to improve their learning and note-taking in content-area classes. In another research strand, he is examining the effects of a scientific argumentative strategy to support the learning and writing skills of students with disabilities in inclusive science classrooms.

Research Interests

  • Interventions and strategies in reading, writing, and note-taking to assist the learning of students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms.

Courses Taught




SPED 5106

Literacy Instruction for Students with Disabilities


SPED 5211

Effective Instruction for Students with Disabilities


SPED 5666

Introduction to Special Education


SPED 8701

Proseminar in Individual Differences


EDUC 8505

Assessment and Evaluation of Students


Selected Publications


  • Boyle, J.R. (2025). Argumentative Writing for Students With Disabilities in Inclusive Science Classes: A Pilot Study. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 41(2), pp. 99-116. Informa UK Limited. doi: 10.1080/10573569.2024.2389776

  • Cook, B.G., Therrien, W., Waterfield, D.A., Spicer, S., Fleming, J.I., Robinson, H., Watson, L., & Boyle, J.R. (2023). Same as it Ever Was: An Updated Review of Replication Studies in Special Education Journals. Center for Open Science. doi: 10.35542/

  • Boyle, J.R., Watson, L., & Robinson, H.E. (2023). Smartpens for Students With Disabilities in Inclusive Content-Area Classes. Journal of Special Education Technology. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/01626434231184877

  • Boyle, J.R., Frith, D.M., & Joyce, R.L. (2022). Using JIGSAW to Complete the Note-Taking Puzzle. TEACHING Exceptional Children, pp. 004005992211178-004005992211178. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/00400599221117815

  • Kennedy, M.J. & Boyle, J.R. (2021). That Really Escalated Quickly—Online Learning Moves Into the Mainstream: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Special Education Technology, 36(2), pp. 63-66. doi: 10.1177/01626434211006052

  • Joyce, R.L. & Boyle, J.R. (2020). Improving Note-Taking Skills for Students With Disabilities Through a Smartpen Intervention. JOURNAL of SPECIAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY, 35(4), pp. 225-235. doi: 10.1177/0162643419856275